Course Pricing



per person

Course Details

Course Description

This bundle offers four NYC Department of Buildings-Approved SST courses including 8 hours of prescribed (required) training that can be applied towards the requirements of a Supervisor Site Safety Training (SST) Card.

*Course fee does not include the cost of SST Card

Prescribed Courses (DOB Course Code in Parentheses)

  • 2-Hour Drug & Alcohol Awareness Training (SST-302)
  • 2-Hour Toolbox Talks (SST-304)
  • 2-Hour Pre-Task Safety Meetings (SST-303)
  • 2-Hour Site Safety Plan (SST-301)

The course fee does not include the cost of issuing the identification card or site safety training card as applicable.

Course Hours

8 Hours

Course Languages


Online Registration

Register Online

Additional Details

Learning Outcomes 

Please refer to individual catalog pages for appropriate learning outcomes for each of the programs included in the bundle.

CEU Requirements

  1. 100% attendance for the course
  2. Active participation in all class exercises (determined by course instructor)
  3. Completion of required post-quiz assessment
  4. As applicable, achievement of minimum passing score on required end-of-course examination
  5. Participation and submittal of end-of-course evaluation form (must provide name on form to receive credit)

Technical Requirements

It is recommended that students complete the training on a desktop or laptop computer with Google Chrome as the browser.

Our Online Safety Training Courses were initially designed to be accessed on desktop computers. While it is not prohibited to use a mobile device, please note that the student experience may be less than optimal.

Our full technical requirements can be read on our website’s Classroom Policies page.


Required curriculum for any Supervisor employed in NYC within the Five Boroughs on projects requiring a Construction Super, Site Safety Manager, Site Safety Coordinator, Concrete Safety Manager, or Competent Person.

Training Requirement

The New York City Department of Buildings, Local Law 196 of 2017, requires that construction and demolition workers on job sites with a Construction Superintendent, Site Safety Coordinator, or Site Safety Manager have completed a total of 40 hours of training (workers) or 62 hours of training (supervisor).

Completion Requirements

To successfully complete the training, students must actively participate in all training without assistance, pass all learning checks, and, as applicable, fill in an end-of-course evaluation.

Additional Course Formats