GBTS Is Giving Back | Free ESL Courses

ESL Course Promotion

TSC Training Academy (TSCTA) is giving back to our community! We’ve been a part of the Long Island City community for over 15 years and to show our appreciation, we’re offering FREE ESL courses. This is a completely free course and all are welcomed (walk-ins welcomed but registration is preferred)! If you or someone you know is interested in improving their English language skills, give us a call at 718-389-2103 or register below.

Class Dates

  • Beginner:   Mondays, 5/14-7/30 (Skips Memorial day) from 6P-8P
  • Intermediate: Tuesdays, 5/15-7/24 from 5:30P-7:30P
  • Advanced:   Wednesdays, 5/16-8/1 from 6P-8P (Skips 7/4-Independence day)

TSC Training Academy (TSCTA) ha sido parte de la comunidad de Long Island City por más de 15 años y para mostrar nuestro agradecimiento, estamos ofreciendo cursos de ESL GRATUITOS! ¡Estos cursos son voluntarios y damos la bienvenida a cualquier persona, independientemente de su lengua materna! Si usted o alguien que conoce desea registrarse, O si tiene alguna pregunta sobre nuestros cursos GRATUITOS de ESL, llámenos al 718-389-2103.


  • Principiante:   Lunes, 5/14-7/30 de 6P-8P (No hay clase 5/28-Memorial day)
  • Intermedio:   Martes, 5/15-7/24 de 5:30P-7:30P
  • Avanzado:   Miercoles, 5/16-8/1 de 6P-8P(No hay clase 7/4-Dia de la independencia)
February is our Favorite! Fall in love with our sales today!
We are transitioning our online registration system for in-person and virtual courses. If the system is unavailable, please email us for further assistance.