Getting Ready for Intro.1447-C

Intro. 1447-C

In mid-October 2017, after being unanimously passed by the NYC Council, Mayor Bill De Blasio signed into law Intro. 1447-C, which requires mandatory safety training for all demolition and construction workers working within the five boroughs. Workers will now be required to participate in a minimum of 40-hours of safety-related training to be eligible to work on construction sites in NYC. Key elements of this legislation include:

On or before March 1, 2018, all workers on any construction project requiring a Construction Super, Site Safety Coordinator or Site Safety Manager must complete one of the following courses:

  • OSHA 10-Hour Class (or its equivalent), or
  • OSHA 30-Hour Class (or its equivalent), or
  • 100-hour training program

If you haven’t already completed the 10-Hour OSHA class or you took it five or more years ago, get ahead of the crowds and register to take the training here. Gallagher Bassett offers the training in English, Spanish, Polish and Chinese at our location or yours on a schedule that works for you.

On or before December 1, 2018, each worker must have one of the following:

  • A Site Safety Training (SST) card, or
  • A limited SST card, or
  • A temporary SST card

On or before December 1, 2018, every Construction Superintendent, Site Safety Coordinator, Site Safety Manager, Concrete Safety Manager or competent person must have a “Site Safety Training” Supervisor card.

Gallagher Bassett Informational Seminars

Workers – Unsure what a SST card is and have questions about how to get one?  We can help!

Supervisors – Aware of what you’ll be responsible for and the possible fines and penalties for not being in compliance?

Gallagher Bassett hears you and is regularly communicating with the regulatory agencies responsible for the implementation of the new requirements. We want your voices to be heard and to make sure the information is passed along to you, in the very near future, Gallagher Bassett/Gallagher Bassett will be hosting free informational seminars throughout the NYC area for Workers, Managers, and Supervisors. Click here to be notified when the final schedules are available so you can reserve your seat(s).

Have specific questions about Intro. 1447-C that you’d like to learn about at the seminar? Please click here to directly email us your inquiry.

Our lowest prices of the year!! Save 25% off select trainings!
We are transitioning our online registration system for in-person and virtual courses. If the system is unavailable, please email us for further assistance.