What are your hours of operation?


Each location maintains its own daily operating schedule. For each locations specific hours of availability, please select one of the links below: Long Island City NY; 200 Broadway, Bayonne NJ; 751 Broadway, Bayonne NJ

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8-Hour Hazwoper Refresher

This training program consists of a synopsis of the core elements of an occupational safety and health program including emergency response plan and procedures. Additional course topics to be explored include proper use of air monitoring devices and appropriate use and hands-on demonstration of PPE.

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40-Hour Hazwoper Training

This training program consists of a synopsis of the core elements of an occupational safety and health program including emergency response plan and procedures. Additional course topics to be explored include proper use of air monitoring devices and appropriate use and hands-on demonstration of PPE. Besides live lecture and instructional videos, the program includes…

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What is a CEU?


IACET developed the CEU in 1970 as a standard unit of measurement for quantifying CE/T activities (CE/T). One (1) IACET CEU equals 10 contact hours of participation in an organized CE/T experience delivered under responsible ownership capable direction, and qualified instruction. Not all CEUs are created equal! The term “CEU” is in the public domain […]

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What is an accredited provider?

To ensure quality in Continuing Education and Training (CE/T) programs and to increase consumer confidence in organizations that adhere to the ANSI/IACET Standard, IACET established its Authorized Provider program in 1991. This program recognizes organizations that have proven that their CE/T policies and processes meet all elements of the ANSI/IACET Standard. In 2015, IACET renamed […]

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What is IACET?

IACET’s mission is to promote and enhance quality in continuing education and training through research, education, and the development and continuous improvement of IACET criteria, principles, and standards. The IACET standard is what learners seek for quality and is the core of thousands of educational programs worldwide.

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Fall Protection Awareness


This course covers topics such as the cause and nature of fall hazards at the work place, the correct procedures for erecting, maintaining, disassembling, inspecting fall protection systems, the use/operation of guardrail systems, personal fall protection systems, safety net systems, warning line systems, fall protection plans, safety monitor system, and falling object hazards…

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30-Hour OSHA Construction Safety & Health Program


This program includes OSHA policies, procedures, and standards, as well as construction safety and health principles. The training will place emphasis on those areas that are most hazardous, using OSHA standards as a guide. This program is more applicable for the construction supervisor, with a more intensified focus on various occupational safety and health standards.

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30 Hour OSHA General Industry Safety & Health Program

This course is based on the requirements contained within the OSHA Code of Federal Regulations for General Industry (29 CFR 1910). This course covers OSHA-mandated topics, such as OSHA inspection procedures, record keeping, fire detection/prevention, welding, cutting, electrical, lockout/Tag out, personal protective equipment, ergonomics, hand and portable tools, industrial hygiene/blood borne pathogens, walking and working surfaces, means of egress and fire protection, cranes, electrical, hazard communication, and material handling.

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16-Hour Disaster Site Worker Training

The course is crucial for those who supply support services such as debris removal, utility and public works repair, demolition, heavy equipment operators, and other construction trades. Primarily targeted to the trades, this course helps participants distinguish between health and safety hazards found at a typical construction jobsite from those at a disaster work site.

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10-Hour OSHA General Industry Safety & Health Program

The OSHA Outreach Training Program for General Industry provides training for workers and employers on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of safety and health hazards in workplaces in general industry. Attendees discuss and review how to prevent accidents and injuries and OSHA General Industry Standards specific to your industry.

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10-Hour OSHA Construction Safety & Health Program

This 10 Hour OSHA Outreach training is designed to promote workplace safety and health and to make workers more knowledgeable about workplace hazards and their rights. Emphasis is placed on the role of the construction worker in hazard recognition and avoidance, workers’ rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint.

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